The image to the right is a cross section of a wooden frame external wall. Not all walls are made like this; on the contrary, many are made entirely differently.
However, this is an example of a good wooden external wall. The make up of the wall is important to note and can be seen, starting from the stone wall to the inside, as follows:
a) Thermo wood cladding.
b) Breathing membrane.
c) Sheathing.
d) Treated timber frame.
e) 0.25mm Vapour barrier.
f) 12.5 mm Plasterboard.
In the last few years, since we have adopted and become qualified to use Thermal Imaging Technology to conduct Thermal Imaging Surveys, I have seen so many properties where insulation has got damp and compressed and left a gap where insulation once was and where heat is lost. Even worse, where builders have skimped, and not inserted insulation AT ALL!
Sometimes the insulation was there, and the correct amount, but it wasn’t fixed properly and over time, it has slid down perhaps the inside of a mansard or pitched roof, and the property becomes colder, and the occupants experience mystery drafts.
Thermal Imaging technology use in Thermal Imaging surveys, has made this something of a smaller problem. Now, instead of busting holes in ceilings or walls to see what is going on, we can use non invasive methods to determine whether insulation has slipped, is missing, or is damp, and precisely where; genius!
Check out Building Response’s Thermal Imaging Services for more information; call us today for a chat. We are here to help!